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Frequently Asked Questions

Therapy can be very helpful for anyone interested in working towards improving their lives. Many people exploring therapy have some questions or can find making that first phone call difficult. This list of FAQs may help to answer those questions and help you begin the path toward healing.

  1. What is counseling or therapy?
    Explanation of the counseling process and how it can benefit individuals.
    • How do I know if counseling is right for me?
      Information on signs that may indicate the need for counseling and how seeking help is a positive step.
      • What issues do you specialize in?
        Overview of the counselor’s areas of expertise and the types of issues they commonly address.
        • How long does a counseling session typically last?
          Explanation of session durations and frequency, providing a general idea of what to expect.
          • Is counseling confidential?
            Assurance of confidentiality and an explanation of any legal or ethical limitations.
            • How do I schedule an appointment?
              Information on the appointment scheduling process, including available methods (phone, email, online scheduling).
              • Do you offer virtual or online counseling?
                Explanation of whether the counselor provides telehealth services and the technology used for virtual sessions.
                • What can I expect during the first session?
                  Overview of the initial consultation, including paperwork, discussion topics, and goal-setting.
                  • How much does counseling cost? Do you accept insurance?
                    Details on fees, payment methods, and whether the counselor accepts insurance. Include information about sliding scales if applicable.
                    • What is your cancellation policy?
                      Explanation of the counselor’s policy regarding cancellations, rescheduling, and any associated fees.
                      • How often will I need to attend sessions?
                        Discussion of session frequency and how it may evolve over the course of therapy.
                        • How long does counseling typically last?
                          General information on the duration of counseling and factors that may influence the length of therapy.
                          • What therapeutic approach do you use?
                            Explanation of the counselor’s theoretical orientation and counseling techniques.
                            • Can couples or families attend counseling together?
                              Information on whether the counselor works with couples or families and the dynamics involved.
                              • What should I do in case of an emergency or crisis?
                                Guidance on what clients should do if they experience a crisis between sessions and contact information for emergency services.
                                • Do you offer sliding scale fees or discounts?
                                  Information on any financial assistance options available for clients.
                                  • How do I prepare for a counseling session?
                                    Tips for clients on how to make the most of their counseling sessions and what to expect during the process.
                                    • What is the difference between counseling and coaching?
                                      Clarification on the distinctions between counseling and coaching services.
                                      • Can I bring up spiritual or religious topics during counseling?
                                        Information on whether and how spiritual or religious aspects can be integrated into the counseling process.
                                        • How will I know if counseling is helping?
                                          Discussion of the therapeutic process and how clients can assess progress in counseling.